Love and hate search results

I read I love Google search results… OS X trails Linux and I am not satisfied with the search method. For example, I love Suse gives 408,000 results on On the German website the first result for this search is WINE I love you on the openSUSE Forums. To reduce these false results, I searched the whole string in quotation marks. But is number of lovers a good indicator? No. Therefore I compare the number of lovers with the number of haters. Here are my results (searched on

product I love I hate ratio
Internet Explorer 43,300 778,000 0.06
Debian 43,800 15,100 2.90
GNOME 50,500 92,000 0.55
Google Chrome 84,000 62,600 1.34
(Open)Suse 90,200 16,100 5.60
(Mac) OS X 159,600 65,800 2.43
Fedora 175,000 14,800 11.82
Windows 7 197,000 82,700 2.38
iPod 205,000 46,200 4.44
Microsoft 285,000 381,000 0.75
(K/X)Ubuntu 307,057 137,674 2.23
Linux 547,000 107,000 5.11
Windows 564,000 500,000 1.13
Firefox 987,000 66,400 14.86
Youtube 1,860,000 200,000 9.30
Google 2,180,000 167,000 13.05
KDE 6,210,000 83,800 74.11

BTW, there are no Edubuntu haters. I love GNOME, but where are all the GNOME lovers?

Edit: I have added Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.

16 thoughts on “Love and hate search results

  1. Pingback: Lo que más queremos y más odiamos

  2. Pingback: O que máis queremos e máis odiamos - Galego

  3. I noticed you included Firefox in those results. Just to be fair, I want to give the opposition a chance.

    “I love Internet Explorer” – 43,200
    “I hate Internet Explorer” – 792,000
    Ratio – 0.05

    (I found it funny to add “6” to the end of each of those, but I’ll let you try that for yourself)

    “I love Chrome” – 122,000
    “I hate Chrome” – 262,000
    Ratio – 0.47

  4. I’m a gnome lover……well I wouldn’t go that far, actually I’ll like to see gnome brought into the 21st century.

    KDE is good too. Just happen to use gnome because that’s what Ubuntu comes in, and believe it or not I really like the brown.

    Anyway, it’s all good. If you have holidays at this time, have a good one.

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  6. The KDE stat seems like a real outlier – having 10 times as many results for “I love KDE” than “I hate internet explorer” doesn’t pass the sniff test.

  7. I love Gnome.

    I expect that people love Gnome because it stays out of the way. It is not an in-your-face & in-your-space system. Gnome does its job and stays out of the way. It does not inspire love — you don’t even know it is there. That is why we Gnome-users love it so much.

    I have also never said how much I love “alt ~” switching between active windows of the same application, as it is so good and so simple.

  8. Pingback: Benjamin Drung: Love and hate search results | TuxWire : The Linux Blog

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